Welcome, Summer!

Welcome, Summer!

The sun shines, the waves call, and the fun is about to begin! With the start of the happiest season of the year, it’s time to embrace the spirit of summer and enjoy every sunny moment.

This brave little surfer reminds us that summer is the perfect time to venture out, discover new passions, and have a lot of fun! It doesn’t matter your age, the youthful and joyful spirit of summer is within all of us!

Photo taken on Children’s Day during a surf baptism, an initiative by the Luís Figo Foundation in partnership with the Costa da Caparica Surf Association, the Costa da Caparica Parish Council, and the Caparica and Trafaria Union Parish Council. It also received support from Mundotêxtil Industrias Têxteis SA and Auchan Almada.

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